Volume 30, Number 1 (1987)
Front Matter
Editorial Staff
Terrorism in a Bargaining Framework
Scott E. Atkinson, Todd Sandler, and John Tschirhart
Optimal Enforcement Strategy to Prevent Oil Spills: An Application of a Principal-Agent Model with Moral Hazard
Mark A. Cohen
Empirical Implications and Tests of the Contestability Hypothesis
Steven A. Morrison and Clifford Winston
Disentangling Interrelated Effects of Regulatory Changes on Shareholder Wealth: The Case of Motor Carrier Deregulation
Katherine Schipper, Rex Thompson, and Roman L. Weil
Are Imports to Blame? Attribution of Injury under the 1974 Trade Act
Robert S. Pindyck and Julio J. Rotemberg
Geographic Market Definition under the U. S. Department of Justice Merger Guidelines
David T. Scheffman and Pablo T. Spiller
The Interjurisdictional Effects of Growth Controls on Housing Prices
Lawrence F. Katz and Kenneth T. Rosen
The Takeover Market, Corporate Board Composition, and Ownership Structure: The Case of Banking
James A. Brickley and Christopher M. James
Shelf Registration: Competition and Market Flexibility
David S. Kidwell, M. Wayne Marr, and G. Rodney Thompson