Volume 14, Number 2 (1971)
Front Matter
Editorial Staff
The Regulation of Taxicabs in Chicago
Edmund W. Kitch, Marc Isaacson, and Daniel Kasper
Corporate Growth and Diversification
Charles H. Berry
The Economic Effect of Television-Network Program "Ownership"
Robert W. Crandall
Interrelations between Legal and Economic Processes
Warren J. Samuels
Inheritance Justified
Gordon Tullock
Right-to-Work Laws: A Suggested Economic Rationale
Catherine A. Palomba and Neil A. Palomba
Deconcentration Reconsidered
John T. Wenders
Deconcentration Reconsidered: Comment
Yale Brozen
High and Stable Concentration Levels, Profitability, and Public Policy: A Response
Paul W. MacAvoy, James W. Mc Kie, and Lee E. Preston
Marginal Cost Pricing, Investment Theory and CATV: Comment
Victor P. Goldberg