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Private companies’ collection of facial images is on the rise globally, which has major implications for both economic development and privacy laws. This Comment uses the facial recognition technology company Clearview AI and the video sharing app TikTok as case studies to examine the problems raised by these practices. After summarizing the relevant legal regimes created by the United Nations (U.N.) and the European Union (E.U.), it applies the E.U. privacy regime to TikTok’s most recent Privacy Policy. The Comment concludes by proposing updates to the E.U. and U.N. privacy regimes to more effectively regulate TikTok’s data collection and analogous business practices. These proposed updates include treating all facial images as special category biometric data under the E.U. regime and amending the U.N. regime to specifically cover digital privacy.
Recommended Citation
Kohn, Miriam
"Clearview AI, TikTok, and the Collection of Facial Images in International Law,"
Chicago Journal of International Law:
Vol. 23:
1, Article 13.
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